
It is with great joy that we welcome you to share in the stories of our past, present, and future!!! We are blessed to be living in a time that allows technology to bridge the physical distance between us, and we invite you to explore these pages as we make our journey toward the altar(s!) and our total committment to one another.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

6 Months Till Our Big Day!!!

Wooohooo!!! We are so super psyched.

Things are really taking off lately. We've tackled a lot of the big things so far - the date, the locations for the ceremony and reception, the photographer, the cake vendor. We still need a florist, but that's coming soon. I'm inches from ordering the dresses as soon as my girls can send me their measurements. It's truly an exciting time!

Save the dates are coming soon - but if you're looking for a quick answer, our Catholic wedding is on Saturday, September 6, 2008, and our Hindu wedding is on October 11, 2008. There are links on the upper left side of this screen that will describe things like the location, wedding party, colors, etc., so check them out! If you have any questions or comments, all of the pages have a comments section at the bottom and you can leave a message for us there!

Thanks for checking out our site - we're super thrilled, we can hardly wait!!!


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